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We have already migrated to second version of procotol (solido), so these instructions aren't working anymore, please see migration guide for migrating to version 2. Or see new version if you are new.


We highly recommend use our SDK, so we could support you better in case of some problems. Also, integration with SDK is much easier & more simple than manually.

Live integration on Mainnet -

In this document, we walk through the steps to integrate a web application with the Lido deposit function.

This guide assumes the web application is written in JavaScript / Typescript and has ready access to the @solana/web3.js and @solana/spl-token library.


The code snippets present in this doc might not be up-to-date with the current codebase. Please verify once before using.

Step 1 : Connecting to a Solana wallet

Solana wallets that are known to work well with the Lido program are Phantom, Solflare, Ledger and Solong.

  • The wallet should expose the following spec
    • connect function that triggers a connection request to the wallet
    • publicKey to retrieve the public key of the connected account
    • signTransaction function to send the transaction
    • disconnect function to trigger a disconnection request
    • Optional - throws "connect" & "disconnect" events

The next step assumes:

  • a wallet is loaded in the interface
  • and you have access to the variable LIDO_ADDRESS which is the address of the account that stores the state of the deployed Lido Program.

Step 2 : Fetching Lido program state to retrieve relevant data

Install and require @solana/web3.js library in your program

yarn add @solana/web3.js

Use getAccountInfo(LIDO_ADDRESS) function from this library to fetch the Lido program data (in the form of a buffer)

const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(LIDO_ADDRESS);

The data structure storing the Lido state(v1.0.0) has the form

pub struct Lido {
/// Version number for the Lido
pub lido_version: u8,
/// Manager of the Lido program, able to execute administrative functions
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_b58")]
pub manager: Pubkey,
/// The SPL Token mint address for stSOL.
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_b58")]
pub st_sol_mint: Pubkey,
/// Exchange rate to use when depositing.
pub exchange_rate: ExchangeRate,
/// Bump seeds for signing messages on behalf of the authority
pub sol_reserve_account_bump_seed: u8,
pub stake_authority_bump_seed: u8,
pub mint_authority_bump_seed: u8,
pub rewards_withdraw_authority_bump_seed: u8,
/// How rewards are distributed.
pub reward_distribution: RewardDistribution,
/// Accounts of the fee recipients.
pub fee_recipients: FeeRecipients,
/// Metrics for informational purposes.
/// Metrics are only written to, no program logic should depend on these values.
/// An off-chain program can load a snapshot of the `Lido` struct, and expose
/// these metrics.
pub metrics: Metrics,
/// Map of enrolled validators, maps their vote account to `Validator` details.
pub validators: Validators,
/// The set of maintainers.
/// Maintainers are granted low security risk privileges. Maintainers are
/// expected to run the maintenance daemon, that invokes the maintenance
/// operations. These are gated on the signer being present in this set.
/// In the future we plan to make maintenance operations callable by anybody.
pub maintainers: Maintainers,

Create a borsh schema to deserialize the data.

class Lido {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class SeedRange {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class Validator {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class PubKeyAndEntry {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class PubKeyAndEntryMaintainer {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class RewardDistribution {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class FeeRecipients {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class Validators {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class Maintainers {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class ExchangeRate {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class Metrics {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class LamportsHistogram {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
class WithdrawMetric {
constructor(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
const schema = new Map([
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['computed_in_epoch', 'u64'],
['st_sol_supply', 'u64'],
['sol_balance', 'u64'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['counts1', 'u64'],
['counts2', 'u64'],
['counts3', 'u64'],
['counts4', 'u64'],
['counts5', 'u64'],
['counts6', 'u64'],
['counts7', 'u64'],
['counts8', 'u64'],
['counts9', 'u64'],
['counts10', 'u64'],
['counts11', 'u64'],
['counts12', 'u64'],
['total', 'u64'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['total_st_sol_amount', 'u64'],
['total_sol_amount', 'u64'],
['count', 'u64'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['fee_treasury_sol_total', 'u64'],
['fee_validation_sol_total', 'u64'],
['fee_developer_sol_total', 'u64'],
['st_sol_appreciation_sol_total', 'u64'],
['fee_treasury_st_sol_total', 'u64'],
['fee_validation_st_sol_total', 'u64'],
['fee_developer_st_sol_total', 'u64'],
['deposit_amount', LamportsHistogram],
['withdraw_amount', WithdrawMetric],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['begin', 'u64'],
['end', 'u64'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['fee_credit', 'u64'],
['fee_address', 'u256'],
['stake_seeds', SeedRange],
['unstake_seeds', SeedRange],
['stake_accounts_balance', 'u64'],
['unstake_accounts_balance', 'u64'],
['active', 'u8'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['pubkey', 'u256'],
['entry', Validator],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['pubkey', 'u256'],
['entry', [0]],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['treasury_fee', 'u32'],
['validation_fee', 'u32'],
['developer_fee', 'u32'],
['st_sol_appreciation', 'u32'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['treasury_account', 'u256'],
['developer_account', 'u256'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['entries', [PubKeyAndEntry]],
['maximum_entries', 'u32'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['entries', [PubKeyAndEntryMaintainer]],
['maximum_entries', 'u32'],
kind: 'struct',
fields: [
['lido_version', 'u8'],
['manager', 'u256'],
['st_sol_mint', 'u256'],
['exchange_rate', ExchangeRate],
['sol_reserve_authority_bump_seed', 'u8'],
['stake_authority_bump_seed', 'u8'],
['mint_authority_bump_seed', 'u8'],
['rewards_withdraw_authority_bump_seed', 'u8'],
['reward_distribution', RewardDistribution],
['fee_recipients', FeeRecipients],
['metrics', Metrics],
['validators', Validators],
['maintainers', Maintainers],

Deserialize the data using the above schema

import { deserializeUnchecked } from 'borsh';
// We use deserializeUnchecked because Validators and Maintainers entries' length varies with time
// It deserializes object from bytes using schema, without checking the length read
const deserializedAccountInfo = deserializeUnchecked(

Calculate the reserve authority and mint authority address by passing LIDO_ADDRESS buffer and reserve_account for reserve authority and mint_authority for mint authority buffer as seeds to findProgramAddress() along with the PROGRAM_ID

import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
// Reserve authority
const bufferArray = [
const [reserveAccount] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(bufferArray, PROGRAM_ID);
// Mint authority
const bufferArray = [
const [mintAuthority] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(bufferArray, PROGRAM_ID);

Step 3 : Ensure an stSOL recipient account exists

The Deposit instruction requires a recipient address - that will receive stSOL as liquid representation of the deposited SOL. Before we make a deposit from a user's wallet, we need to make sure such a recipient account exists - for the depositor to receive stSOL.

Fetch all accounts for the stSOL mint of the staker

  • If at least one such account exists, select the first one and proceed to the next step
  • If no such account exists, continue with this section.

If no account exists

  • Fetch the associated token account for the payer account
  • Add the instruction to create the new associated token account
  • Return the associated token account's public key
import { AccountLayout, Token, ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from '@solana/spl-token';
const { value: accounts } = await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(payer, {
mint: stSolMint,
const recipient = accounts[0];
if (recipient) {
return recipient.pubkey;
// Creating the associated token account if not already exist
const associatedStSolAccount = await Token.getAssociatedTokenAddress(
return associatedStSolAccount;

Step 4 : Create Deposit Instruction

  • Create the buffer layout in the format of { instruction_code: 1 byte, amount: 8 bytes}
  • Encode the deposit data using the buffer layout
    import * as BufferLayout from 'buffer-layout';
    import BN from 'bn.js';
    const dataLayout = BufferLayout.struct([
    BufferLayout.nu64('amount'), // little endian
    const data = Buffer.alloc(dataLayout.span);
    instruction: 1, // 1 for deposit instruction
    amount: new BN(amount),
  • Set all keys for the deposit instruction using the program data we fetch earlier
    const keys = [
    pubkey: lidoAddress,
    isSigner: false,
    isWritable: true,
    { pubkey: payer, isSigner: true, isWritable: true },
    pubkey: recipient,
    isSigner: false,
    isWritable: true,
    pubkey: stSolMint,
    isSigner: false,
    isWritable: true,
    { pubkey: reserveAccount, isSigner: false, isWritable: true },
    { pubkey: mintAuthority, isSigner: false, isWritable: false },
    { pubkey: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, isSigner: false, isWritable: false },
    { pubkey: SystemProgram.programId, isSigner: false, isWritable: false },
  • Add the instruction to the transaction
    new TransactionInstruction({
    programId: PROGRAM_ID,

Step 5 : Sign and send Transaction

  • Create a new transaction with the fee payer as the staker
  • Add all the above instructions in the sequence
  • If we have created a new stSOL, partially sign the transaction using the newAccount's keypair
  • Sign the transaction
  • Send the transaction
// Create new transaction
const transaction = new Transaction({ feePayer: payer });
// Set recent blockhash
const { blockhash } = await connection.getRecentBlockhash();
transaction.recentBlockhash = blockhash;
// Add all the above instructions
const recipient = await ensureTokenAccount(
await depositInstruction(payer, amount, recipient, transaction, config);
// Sign the transaction using the wallet
const signed = wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
// Send the serialized signed transaction to the network

Useful Nuggets

  • How to get the total number of stSOL holders?
    // Filter out stSOL token addresses
    const memcmpFilter = { memcmp: { bytes: ST_SOL_MINT.toString(), offset: 0 } };
    const config = {
    filters: [{ dataSize: 165 }, memcmpFilter],
    encoding: 'jsonParsed',
    // Get program accounts using the above filters
    const accounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(
    const totalStSolHolders = accounts.length;
  • How to get the stSOL/SOL exchange rate for the current epoch?
      const accountInfo = await getAccountInfo(connection, lidoAddress);
    // Fetch SOL and stSOL balance
    const totalSolInLamports = accountInfo.exchange_rate.sol_balance.toNumber();
    const stSolSupplyInLamports =
    // Calculate the stSOL/SOL exchange rate
    const exchangeRate = totalStSolSupplyInLamports/totalSolInLamports;
  • How to get the current amount of SOL staked with Lido?
      const accountInfo = await getAccountInfo(connection, lidoAddress);
    // Find reserve account pubkey
    const bufferArray = [
    const [reserveAccount] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(bufferArray, programId);
    // Fetch balance and rent for reserve account
    const reserveAccountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(reserveAccount);
    const reserveAccountRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(,
    const reserveAccountBalanceInLamports =
    reserveAccountInfo.lamports - reserveAccountRent;
    const validatorsStakeAccountsBalanceInLamports = accountInfo.validators.entries
    .map((pubKeyAndEntry) => pubKeyAndEntry.entry)
    .map((validator) => validator.stake_accounts_balance.toNumber())
    .reduce((acc, current) => acc + current, 0);
    const totalStakedInLamports = reserveAccountBalanceInLamports + validatorsStakeAccountsBalanceInLamports;