The error module defines the LidoError enum for the available error types in the Solido program along with some small conversion implementations to and from the Solana ProgramError struct.
The LidoError enum, at time of writing, defines the following errors:
Error | Description |
AlreadyInUse | The Lido address passed to the program is in use; i.e. the Solido program has already been initialised. |
InvalidOwner | The address of the owner of the Solido program is different to the passed program id. |
InvalidAmount | The amount being staked is below the minimum stake amount. |
SignatureMissing | A required signature is missing |
InvalidReserveAuthority | The authority for the reserve account, where SOL gets deposited, is invalid |
CalculationFailure | Calculation failed due to division by zero or overflow |
WrongStakeState | Stake account is in an invalid state or does not exist when processing a stake deposit |
MaximumNumberOfAccountsExceeded | The maximum number of entries in the account map is already at maximum capacity as defined by maximum entries |
UnexpectedMaxValidators | The size of the account for the Solido state does not match max_validators |
InvalidManager | Wrong manager trying to alter the state of the Solido program |
InvalidMaintainer | Wrong maintainer trying to alter the state of the Solido program |
InvalidAccountInfo | The provided account is mismatched in is_writable or is_signer to what was expected for that type of account |
TooManyAccountKeys | More accounts were provided than Solido expects |
InvalidValidatorCreditAccount | The account provided when claiming validator fees is incorrect |
InvalidFeeRecipient | The provided fee recipient account is incorrect |
DuplicatedEntry | The entry trying to be added to the account_map already exists |
ValidatorHasUnclaimedCredit | The validator trying to be removed has unclaimed credit, the credit should be minted before the validator is removed |
ReserveIsNotRentExempt | The reserve account value is not above the minimum value for rent exemption |
AmountExceedsReserve | The requested amount for reserve withdrawal exceeds the maximum held in the reserve account when considering rent exemption |
InvalidAccountMember | An entry in the account map is not present |
InvalidLidoSize | Lido has an invalid size, calculated with the Lido's constant size plus required to hold variable structures |
NoActiveValidators | There are no validators with an active stake account to delegate to |
InvalidStakeAccount | When staking part of the reserve to a new stake account, the next program-derived address for the stake account associated with the given validator, does not match the provided stake account |
InvalidStSolAccount | We expected an SPL token account that holds stSOL, but this was not an SPL token account, or its mint did not match |